6 historical monuments
Around Kalmar are many interesting sculptures and monuments. Below are a few to keep an eye out for during your walks.
- Gustav Vasa-stenen stands at the Stensö peak since 1933. The stone marks the place where allegedly, Gustav Vasa landed on May 31st, 1520, after escaping Danish captivity. He later became one of Sweden's most famous kings.
- Vasamonumentet is a bust of king Gustav Vasa. It was commissioned by the ÅM society in 1851. It was initially located at the Stensö peak, but was moved to its current location in the city park in the late 1870s.
- Vasabrunnen stands in the middle of Larmtorget since 1926, and was created by Nils Sjögren. Around the well curb is a depiction of the story of Gustav Vasa and his way to power. In the middle of the spring is a column with a sculpture of David and Goliath.
- Unionsmonumentet can be found opposite Kalmar Central station. It was created by Roj Friberg in memory of the 600th anniversary of the Kalmar union, celebrated in 1997. The monument portrays a group of Medieval people representing the Nordic countries of Norway, Denmark and Sweden. In the centre is Queen Margaret, ruler of the union.
- Helige Kristoffer (Saint Christopher) was the patron saint of Kalmar in the Middle Ages. His statue, created by Arvid Källström in 1937, can be found in the old cemetery, in memory of the old city church that stood here until 1678.
- Calmare Nyckel is a sculpture by Bengt Johansson. It stands in Sylvanderparken since 2013, the memorial of an emigrant ship, the Calmare Nyckel, and her first voyage to North America in 1637-1638.
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Page published by: Destination Kalmar