5 tips for dog parks

En hund som slickar sig om nosen. I bakgrunden syns ett cykelhjul.

Does your dog have a lot of energy? There are several fenced dog parks in Kalmar.

  • In Kalmarsundsparken, there is a dog park in the western part, not far from the dog swimming area.
  • In Skärgårdsparken, which is Kalmar's new outdoor area located four kilometers south of the city center, there is a dog park. It is located in the wetland area called Kalmar Dämme.
  • In Funkabo, there is a dog park right under the Öland Bridge.
  • In Smedby, you will find a dog park at the intersection of Dokumentvägen and Ebbetorpsvägen.
  • In Lindsdal, there is a dog park at the intersection of Nils Holgerssons väg and Förmansvägen.

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5 Tips
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Page published by: Destination Kalmar AB