
Sand sculpture festival: participants 2024

This year's sand sculpture festival will be held on July 15–19.

Participating Teams

Team 1: Mexico

Calixto Molina
Participates for the first time.
Sculpture: Dancer maya
Idea: A Schaman's claim for a good rain season.

Sketch of the sand sculpture

Sketch: "Dancer maya"

Team 2: England & Sweden

Tjåsa Gusfors & Lisa Lindqvist
The team participates for the second time.
Sculpture: No Man's Land
Idea: In this sculpture we are creating an alternative history ... a time traveller's adventure. It's a fable, a fantasy of ours, to bring back
these extinct species and give them a second chance. Led by the iconic dodo, our animals travel the open sea in search of new land. This land will be free and wild and, most importantly, absent of humans.

Sketch of the sand sculpture

Sketch: "No Man's Land"

Team 3: indonesia & Ucraine

I Made Sutama & Bogdan Kutsevych
I Made Sutama participates for the first time and Bogdan Kutsevych for the forth time.
Sculpture: Human in near future
Idea: When AI will take over the human occupation, there will be two possibilities. Humans have more time for themselves then turn inward and blossom or the second possibility, they die out of misery.

Sketch of the sand sculpture

Sketch: "Human in near future"

Team 4: Poland

Piotr Boron & Lucyna Kujawa
The team participates for the first time.
Sculpture: Resting Lion
Idea: Lions are a symbol of strength and power. Our work is intended to remind us that it is an endangered species. It shows in a humourous way the lion's lazy character.

Sketch of the sand sculpture

Sketch: "Resting Lion"

Team 5: Lithuania

Tautvilas Povilionis
Participates for the first time.
Sculpture: Men are from Mars, women from Venus
Idé: We see many things from different angles, so our relationships are already complicated and we still find solutions...

Sketch of the sand sculpture

Sketch: "Men are from mars, women from venus"

Team 6: Norway & Sweden

Elisabeth Kristensen & Peter Jakobsson
The team participates for the fifth time.
Sculpture: Find peace
Idea: To help the world to find peace, start with yourself.

Sketch of the sand sculpture

Sketch: "Find peace"

Team 7: Germany

Franziska Agrawal
Participates for the fourth time.
Sculpture: Planned Aging
Idea: The depiction of standard everyday objects. Moste of the time in our close enviroment they exist unseen and unlooked at, which can be amusing if you have to.

Sketch of the sand sculpture

Sketch: "Planned Aging"

Team 8: Sweden

Leif Andersson & Lars Fager
The team has participated every year and has won the festival twice.
Sculpture: 1,5ºC
Idea: The sculpture is inspired by the design language of the old hot water radiators, but should above all be seen as a comment on global warming.

Sketch of the sand sculpture

Sketch: "1,5"

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Page published by: Destination Kalmar AB