Cookies and integrity policy
Integrity policy
Destination Kalmar AB is completely owned by the Kalmar authority corporation, the Kalmar Kommunbolag AB. We adhere to the integrity policy of the Kalmar Municipality, but have chosen to make a few additions based on company activities.
Mission of Destination Kalmar
The mission of Destination Kalmar AB is to, in co-operation with trade and industry partners, develop, profile and market Kalmar as a visitors’ attraction. In addition, the company should also co-ordinate and develop events and sports tourism in Kalmar, operate the tourism centre and guest harbour with associated efforts, and be in charge of the venture at Kalmar Castle, in co-operation with the National Property Board Sweden.
Collection and processing of personal data
We process personal details according to the integrity policy of the Kalmar Municipality. The most common reason for us storing information about you is that you have entered into some sort of agreement with us, that you have made a reservation with us, that you are part of our network, or that you have signed up to one of our events or newsletters. You might also be the contact of some organisation active within the tourism trade of the region, or you might be a journalist or influencer.
Publication of images
In order for Destination Kalmar to be able to fulfill its mission – to develop, profile and market Kalmar as a visitors’ attraction – we regularly publish images showing the attractions and events of Kalmar. We have made an assessment of the respective interests, and concluded that the interest of Destination Kalmar to be able to display Kalmar as an attractive place of interest, and as an attractive event city outweighs any damage that such publication might cause to any person seen in these pictures. We are to apply due consideration when taking photographs, for example by:
- taking neutral photos, where any person who might feature in the photo is portrayed in a positive manner
- striving to show as few faces as possible
- avoiding photos of children
- informing as much as possible that we will be taking photos during an event. Such information might be posted on the event webpage beforehand, or conveyed by a conferencier/speaker on location at the event, or displayed in signs on fences.
Persons featuring in photos have the right to ask to have the photo removed. This is done by contacting Destination Kalmar via email.
Use of cookies
We use cookies on the,,, and websites. Cookies are used to help you find the right information quickly, and to customise your visit according to your individual needs. You can reject cookies by changing your browser settings.
Integrity policy for the Kalmar authority corporation
Would you like to know more about how the Kalmar Municipality handles personal data, or how to proceed if you would like your information edited or deleted? Through the link box, you can reach the integrity policy of the Kalmar Municipality, and read the complete text.
Pierre Sävenmark is the Data Protection Officer of Destination Kalmar.
Page published by: Destination Kalmar